I, Isis, am everything that has been,
and that is, and that shall be,
and no mortal hath lifted my veil”
Isis, The Virgin of the World
On the fall equinox, September 22/23 2002, something wonderful happened…
According to Fulcanelli, this astronomically significant moment signalled the season of the double catastrophe, perhaps even the Apocalypse of St. John’s Revelation. Our research revealed that the alignments of galactic, solar and planetary markers formed the Cube of Space seen by St. John as the New Jerusalem, taking shape in the sky before it descends to earth, ushering in the Chilaist millennium. Since the Cube of Space can be seen in the sky every solstice and equinox for the next ten to two hundreds years, then perhaps we are indeed undergoing an “apocalypse.”
The word “Apocalypse” originally had nothing to do with the end of the world or of the age or of a terrible destructive transition. Literally it meant: “pulling away the veil.” It is the Greek noun apokalupsis, which comes from the verb apokalupto, which meant: “to disclose or uncover” (Liddell & Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford. 1972. pg. 86), and comes from adding the preposition “apo” to the Greek verb kalupto, “to cover,” (Liddel & Scott. pg. 346) and is closely associated with the noun kalputa, a veil. Thus it really meant: “uncovering by pulling away the veil.”
An Apocalypse isn’t the cataclysmic end of everything; rather it is a sudden change in perception. Before, we can’t see the reality of things; a veil of illusion and misunderstanding hides them. Then the veil is pulled away and we see how things really are, the true state of affairs. Think of Toto pulling back the curtain to reveal the Wizard of Oz…
On that day the truth will be revealed, the invisible will become visible, our blinders will be taken off, and the curtain will rise. The idea of calling the Vision of St. John an Apocalypse, the title given in the first verse, shows that it is NOT just about the end of the age. It is about the present situation, this moment in time; it’s a revealing, an unveiling, of a reality to which most of us are blind.